This is such a beautiful time of year, as nature prepares to sleep through the winter months.
For me, it’s a time to think about dusting off some warmer clothes and maybe even cleaning out closets.
As you can see, Rhea always loves helping me with these kinds of tasks, which definitely makes them much more enjoyable.
In any case, the seasonal cycles are a normal part of our existence on this Earth.
We are used to them, we plan on them, and we prepare for them.
Most people welcome them.
But the truth is all of life moves in constant cycles, just like the seasons.
So, how do you decide what it is you really want in life when you live in an ever-changing world and your life exists within that world?
If you’ve ever thought about this before, I’m sure you’re well aware of how difficult it can be to make this kind of decision.
With that in mind, I want to offer some advice on how to identify, reject, and change limiting beliefs, so you can find out what you really want in life and remove any barriers to you getting it.
So, if you want to make sure you can get what you want in life and learn how to change limiting beliefs that could be stopping you, then I hope you take the time to keep reading.
How to Change Limiting Beliefs and Retake Control of Your Life
If you want to change limiting beliefs, and stop them from controlling your life, one step you can take is to pick a specific area of your life and focus on it.
Start by asking yourself what aspect of your life you want to improve.
Are you more interested in your health, job, relationships, or money, for instance?
For this exercise, let’s focus on the popular topic of money.
How do you decide how much is enough or not enough?
Well, you can start with figuring out your budget first, and what is needed to cover your expenses, and then, look beyond those basic needs and ask yourself, “What would make me comfortable with how much money I have?”
Have you ever gone through this thought process?
Have you started a conversation about money with yourself by thinking you want a million dollars only to later that same day think it’s too much money and you should ask for less?
And have you ever thought about why that switch of thought occurs?
Is it that you devalue yourself? Is it that the thought of that much money is too overwhelming?
In my experience, oftentimes, there is an emotional aspect that’s controlling this back-and-forth money talk.
In any case, if you want to get to the bottom of this, you should follow your emotions, as they will reveal what is behind the money topic for you.
At this point, you should ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I feel fear about having that much money?
- Is it about the responsibility of having that much money?
- Am I afraid of having people treat me differently because I have money?
- Am I worried that everyone would want to borrow money from me?
- Am I afraid of what I’ll have to do to get that much money?
- Is it fear of having the money taken from me?
Asking these questions will help you follow your emotions on this topic, which should give you a much better idea of how you truly feel about money, and what you actually want.
But whatever it is you desire, all of the emotions you’re feeling about money are based on your beliefs.
And if you’re anything like most people in this society, the things you believe are likely to end up controlling your life.
With that in mind, if you want to change limiting beliefs, it’s important to understand these beliefs, how they affect you, and where they come from.
The Four Main Types of Beliefs
There are four main types of beliefs, including genetic beliefs, societal beliefs, core beliefs, and soul beliefs.
Genetic beliefs are those that have been passed down through your Earth family.
They are “given” to you by your parents, and you may have begun taking them on even while you were still in the womb!
There have been scientific studies done in many universities regarding how parents’ beliefs affect their children.
Also, there are studies on the positive effects of a growth mindset in mother-child interactions.
You can probably look back on your own childhood and think about certain beliefs your parents had that you’ve taken on and made your own.
Some of these beliefs may be considered pretty silly and some of them not so silly.
For example, I was in my mid-thirties before I even realized that my strong reactions to someone saying anything about me being left-handed actually came from my father saying that because I was left-handed, it made me backwards, stupid, and never able to accomplish anything.
Unbeknownst to me, this belief had gone so deep into my psyche that I didn’t remember it, even though it was controlling me in many ways.
Societal beliefs, on the other hand, can have a profound impact on the quality of someone’s parenting, as parents often subconsciously adopt these beliefs, without even knowing it.
They then end up passing these beliefs on to their children, often to their detriment, as they can affect a child’s ability to function well in life, as well as their health and ability to learn.
Core beliefs are deeply held personal beliefs, which can be known or unknown, positive or negative, and they inform how people see themselves and the world.
These core beliefs typically have no known evidence to support them – they are automatic beliefs with no foundation.
Soul beliefs are beliefs that stay with your soul from one incarnation to another, which is crazy to think about, as something that controls your life today could have been formed in a past life!
Returning to the focus on money, can you see how the webwork of all these different beliefs can control your life and how you perceive things like money?
If you pay close attention, you may notice that these beliefs tend to link together, creating a synthesis of beliefs that can significantly affect your moment-to-moment experience.
Like it or not, no matter what you see, what you experience, or how many times you’re told something, it’s going to have to pass through the filters that your beliefs have created.
This is, for example, why two people at the same concert can have two completely different experiences.
You may have noticed this yourself, where one person can enjoy the concert with ease, light-heartedness, and joy, while feeling a connection with all the other concertgoers, but at the same time, another person can feel anxious, protective, and cautious, as they’re worried about encountering potentially dangerous people.
How Limiting Beliefs Can Control Your Life and What to Do About It
You may not want to believe it (no pun intended), but beliefs determine how we all experience life, and the same goes for you.
These beliefs, which are basically filters in your brain, can delete or reject information you receive if it doesn’t match what you already believe.
For instance, someone might say, “You look wonderful today!” but your filters may distort this information to match your beliefs, making you think “I’m not attractive,” instead.
This is why no matter what is said or done, if you believe you’re poor or not able to make enough money to support what you want in life, you will never be able to move beyond these limiting beliefs.
If your belief about money says you won’t be able to create money because you believe it’s going to be bad for your life, then you will never get that money.
If you believe you’re not educated enough to get a specific job, no matter what you do, you will never get that job.
And if you believe that you’re ugly, nothing anyone else says or does is going to convince you otherwise.
At this point, you’re probably wondering how to become aware of your beliefs, how to change limiting beliefs, and how to replace them with more positive, helpful, and creative ones.
With that in mind, here’s what I’d recommend you do:
- Stop watching and/or reading the news.
- Keep your eyes and ears focused on where you want to go in life.
- Recognize your limiting beliefs for what they are and reject them.
- Replace these negative beliefs with more positive and uplifting ones.
- Be responsible for yourself, and avoid scapegoating other people or things, as everything always starts with you.
What’s more, you should stop allowing yourself to be sucked into negative conversations.
And it doesn’t matter who is doing the talking – even if it’s being done by your own family members.
These are their patterns of behavior, which are based on their beliefs and their ways of life, not yours.
This reminds me of an old proverb, which says that when you walk down a street and keep falling into a hole, eventually you’ll realize that there’s another street you can take.
That being said, it’s okay to refuse to talk about certain topics, whether it’s politics, war, religion, or something else altogether.
You don’t have to engage in these kinds of conversations if you don’t want to, and you can simply end them and walk away, if need be.
Or you can just change the subject to a more positive one that you’re actually willing to talk about.
Unfortunately, setting these kinds of boundaries might mean that you can no longer have people in your life who insist on talking about these things.
But you can change this pattern of interaction, and you can change learned behaviors that don’t serve you. You just have to become aware of them first.
In any case, I’ve included a guided meditation below to assist you in this process, which should help you gain an even deeper understanding of what you can do to change limiting beliefs.
And if you’re looking for someone to help you navigate your spiritual evolution, please don’t hesitate to reach out and book an appointment.
Love to all,
Rose Marie Swanson