Life Coach Spiritual Mentoring

Ellena Lynn Lieberman

Rose Marie Swanson’s ability to be an illumined divine conduit has made a stunning impact on my life.

I have felt that areas of my life that felt blocked or difficult to move through have now opened to flow and ease. There is a feeling of openness and expansion where there formerly was a great effort and diminished energy.

The spiritual center of my crown feels like it has literally blossomed in width and height, giving me a constant awareness of being much more responsive and receptive to higher direction.

I feel grateful and honored to be the recipient of Rose Marie’s open-hearted and highly evolved transcending energy, and I highly recommend working with Rose Marie when you are ready to experience a miraculous transformation.

About Rose Marie

Rose Marie Swanson is a world-renowned spiritual coach, public speaker, and co-owner of Akashic Records Consultants International.

For more than 30 years, Rose Marie has been accessing the divine wisdom of the Akashic Records to help people recover from past trauma, unlock their full potential, and discover their life’s purpose by revealing the absolute truth of who they are on a spiritual level.