Life Coach Spiritual Mentoring

Lizabeth Jenkins-Dale

Rose Marie Swanson has provided me with decades of energetic enlightenment, and I’m a different person today because of her.

Her Waters of Illumination processes are deeply powerful, effective, revealing, and transformational.

Utilizing decades of experience and training from the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones, she has multiple healing and clearing modalities to choose from depending on specific client concerns.

What ensnares me for months, Rose Marie untangles in an hour. I highly recommend her services.

About Rose Marie

Rose Marie Swanson is a world-renowned spiritual coach, public speaker, and co-owner of Akashic Records Consultants International.

For more than 30 years, Rose Marie has been accessing the divine wisdom of the Akashic Records to help people recover from past trauma, unlock their full potential, and discover their life’s purpose by revealing the absolute truth of who they are on a spiritual level.