Life Coach Spiritual Mentoring

Seth Kopald

As a healer myself, I understand the process of clearing things out of the body and energy field.

Rose Marie’s Waters of Illumination process is a beautiful and loving way to quickly and efficiently remove unwanted and unwelcome material.

As I went through the process, I felt held by her in an exquisite manner, which allowed my system to open up and release what it needed to release.

I have deep trust in Rose Marie and I send my clients to her for this healing.

She is truly an angel in human form and she is here for the good of us all.

About Rose Marie

Rose Marie Swanson is a world-renowned spiritual coach, public speaker, and co-owner of Akashic Records Consultants International.

For more than 30 years, Rose Marie has been accessing the divine wisdom of the Akashic Records to help people recover from past trauma, unlock their full potential, and discover their life’s purpose by revealing the absolute truth of who they are on a spiritual level.