Life Coach Spiritual Mentoring

Wendy Sue Wahl

Each session I have with Rose Marie Swanson takes me deeper into the clearings of old thoughts, beliefs, and behavioral patterns.

I love the relaxing aspect and I feel I am “here, not here” as I listen to her melodic voice following the energy through my mind, body, spirit, and emotions releasing that which is aligned with my intention.

Rose Marie is thorough on the intake and discussion to bottom-line what the session is about and when I leave our time together I feel quiet and renewed. My last session filled me with the feeling that all is possible – something I have not felt in years!

About Rose Marie

Rose Marie Swanson is a world-renowned spiritual coach, public speaker, and co-owner of Akashic Records Consultants International.

For more than 30 years, Rose Marie has been accessing the divine wisdom of the Akashic Records to help people recover from past trauma, unlock their full potential, and discover their life’s purpose by revealing the absolute truth of who they are on a spiritual level.