I have worked with Rose Marie for almost 15 years.
She has been an integral part of my personal and spiritual growth with the various talents and modalities that she offers, and I am blessed and grateful to have experienced true healing in many ways.
I am excited to share my experience after taking Level I and II Akashic Records classes from Rose Marie Swanson, and I want to highlight three aspects I observed.
Prior to the class, Rose Marie did an Akashic Records reading on me and I have to say, it was spot on.
She put me at ease, showed no judgment or bias toward my questions, and I found the information she spoke of to be very valuable.
I then enrolled in her classes, and I found her teaching style to be informative and taught in a methodical way, which allows students to ask any questions they might have. Again, I want to reiterate that there was no judgment in her approach.
With each class, she allows the students to delve deeper into the Akashic Records, guiding them along the way.
At the end of the class, she offered a beautiful guided meditation, which was like the icing on top of a delicious cake.
Through her meditation, Rose Marie took us deeper into the unknown parts of the soul, allowing us to release any pain or resistance that was stored in our bodies and thank our pain for the reminders that we no longer needed.
I would definitely recommend both her classes and her Akashic Records readings.
Whatever you choose will bring you profound insight into the essence of who you are.
As a healer myself, I understand the process of clearing things out of the body and energy field.
Rose Marie’s Waters of Illumination process is a beautiful and loving way to quickly and efficiently remove unwanted and unwelcome material.
As I went through the process, I felt held by her in an exquisite manner, which allowed my system to open up and release what it needed to release.
I have deep trust in Rose Marie and I send my clients to her for this healing.
She is truly an angel in human form and she is here for the good of us all.
Seth Kopald
I have had the blessing of receiving more than one Waters of Illumination clearing from Rose Marie.
But to call them clearings is a bit like calling the Sistine Chapel a painting.
These experiences are truly magnificent. Each time, I go from an average state to fully back in my soul and boundless.
They initiate the release of deeply held unconscious energetic contractions and even traumas in the body. The ramifications of such healing cannot be overstated.
I recently received a clearing with a frozen neck and back, as I was experiencing pain that was a nine out of 10. At the end of the clearing, my pain was at a four.
Justin Taylor
Rose Marie’s Waters of Illumination clearing was a very intense experience for me.
On the one hand, I was in a deep meditation following her words with visions of light and physically feeling the movement of energy she was directing in our bodies.
At the same time, my body was responding with spontaneous movements throughout my legs and neck. It felt electric.
Her voice is very therapeutic, and the experience was healing, fascinating, and peaceful all at the same time!
Peggy Benton
Rose Marie Swanson has provided me with decades of energetic enlightenment, and I’m a different person today because of her.
Her Waters of Illumination processes are deeply powerful, effective, revealing, and transformational.
Utilizing decades of experience and training from the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones, she has multiple healing and clearing modalities to choose from depending on specific client concerns.
What ensnares me for months, Rose Marie untangles in an hour. I highly recommend her services.
Lizabeth Jenkins-Dale
From the moment I began my journey with Rose Marie I knew I was in capable hands.
Her guidance was supportive, always pointing me toward the path of self-improvement with kindness and wisdom, and her presence was extremely soothing and calm.
She was very welcoming, creating an environment where I felt valued and heard. I am deeply grateful for the positive impact she has had on me.
Thank you once again for the wonderful time.
Rose Marie Swanson’s ability to be an illumined divine conduit has made a stunning impact on my life.
I have felt that areas of my life that felt blocked or difficult to move through have now opened to flow and ease. There is a feeling of openness and expansion where there formerly was a great effort and diminished energy.
The spiritual center of my crown feels like it has literally blossomed in width and height, giving me a constant awareness of being much more responsive and receptive to higher direction.
I feel grateful and honored to be the recipient of Rose Marie’s open-hearted and highly evolved transcending energy, and I highly recommend working with Rose Marie when you are ready to experience a miraculous transformation.
Ellena Lynn Lieberman, author of The Principles of Dynamic Manifestation: As Received Through the Akashic Records, and co-founder/co-manager of Akashic Records Consultants International, LLC.
During a session I attended, Rose Marie did a beautiful job of expanding and embracing everyone in the energy without the feeling of any gaps or “thinness.” Still, I felt as if it was for me alone and that no one else was there.
I was moved into a dark space, which momentarily surprised me, but that observation quickly dissolved. The space then became a rich, velvety, and warm place where my body relaxed, and all was still. There was no fear or contraction. There was no movement of emotional energy.
At times, the words of the session came through fluidly, and other times, the words were absent, beyond my hearing. But it was not disturbing to me at all. Everything felt right.
When the session was complete, I felt as if I was emerging from a cocoon. I had no sense of time, nor how long the session was. As I gradually became more grounded, I noticed that the quiet stillness and comfort of the space I was in during the session remained with me. I felt comfortable, evenly energized, and clear.
I cannot say what precisely was lifted and released, but the experience of feeling relaxed, comfortable, joyful, and filled with energy has remained with me.
I am grateful that I had the opportunity to receive it and would gladly attend more sessions.
Roni Reisler
Each session I have with Rose Marie Swanson takes me deeper into the clearings of old thoughts, beliefs, and behavioral patterns.
I love the relaxing aspect and I feel I am “here, not here” as I listen to her melodic voice following the energy through my mind, body, spirit, and emotions releasing that which is aligned with my intention.
Rose Marie is thorough on the intake and discussion to bottom-line what the session is about and when I leave our time together I feel quiet and renewed. My last session filled me with the feeling that all is possible – something I have not felt in years!
Wendy Sue Wahl