The Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones are stating this pointedly: Opening your heart is a must right now for those who desire to continue into greater spiritual evolution.
Taking time to decide what steps to take in order to understand the illusions of this life in a more comprehensive perspective will open the doorway to your heart’s abilities to love divinely. Allow me to further explain…
Forgiveness is one of the steps, for most of us, the forgiveness work we have done in the past has not gone into the core of true wounding that has been experienced in our lifetimes.
Now, another perception of forgiveness is available to us – a deeper layer.
When there is no more pain and no more tears – when there is only neutrality – you have reached the core.
When you can think or speak of what was and there are no energies and there is only neutrality, you have succeeded in forgiveness. Neutrality then will exist in the core.
Remember, forgiveness of self comes before others.
Society teaches us to blame and shame ourselves. No more, my dear ones. The Masters have told me there is no more time for the “Someone Done Me Wrong” song.
When you accomplish this level of forgiveness, your heart will open up in ways you have never experienced before now.
The reason for this is because there is no longer anything being held within you for the challenges to hook into. Like allowing the pillow that is thrown at you to fall away instead of catching it. The old paradigm was to go into reaction, victim energies.
Now you can go into the action of response or simply non response.
Then, it will be time to bring in creating beauty for your life.
You do this with your focus. What you focus on is what will be created in your life. The “single eye focus” on that which is good and beautiful truly creates that which is good and beautiful. In this way, forgiveness to the point of neutrality is the portal for creating beauty in your life.
Simplify your life: Think about what you hold valuable to you and let everything else go. For if it is not truly of value, it is of no importance.
I am being asked to share with you this guided session. It will take you on an inner journey to your garden of love within your own heart. You will be working with Lord Paul the Venetian and Arch Angels Chamuel and Charity.
Please share with me your experience of the session. And, if there is something specific, I can assist you with, please reach out to me.
Love and Living Light Always,
Rose Marie Swanson