Finally, we’ve reached that time of year when it’s hard to tell what the day will bring when it comes to the weather and temperature. Today seems to be cooler, so it’s a great morning
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Finally, we’ve reached that time of year when it’s hard to tell what the day will bring when it comes to the weather and temperature. Today seems to be cooler, so it’s a great morning
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Today is indeed a blessed day. The sun is shining brightly, and the sky is a beautiful blue. This morning, Rhea is on the floor chewing on her bone, and I am enjoying my cup
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How to Create Your Personal Antahkarana Bridge with Master Metatron and Master Melchizedek One of the last big rush of energies coming into the planet that created the opportunities for change was the August 8th
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One of my lazy moments of enjoyment is to observe others without judgement, of course. I am sharpening my skills of awareness while moving in a gentle flow of love. The freedom from judgment is
Before we can birth into a new beginning, there is a clean-up process to be done first. Letting go of all heaviness is instrumental in preparing yourself for the birthing into actually building and walking
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The Masters tell us to “Please remember, dear ones, to walk in this world not of it. Separate yourself from the fears that are surrounding this worldwide virus.” Remember, it is not for us to
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Giving Yourself the Gift of Greater Clarity To say there was a great many challenges and changes last year is an understatement for most of us. And a lot of them were huge transformational moments.
December is a month of closure. I am sure you have heard this many times before; however, for this December, it is extremely important as completely new energies are being brought in for us in
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How elusive is love for you? In my world as a child, I didn’t have parents who were healthy role models for a loving relationship. Actually, they were quite the opposite. It has taken me
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Spirit is asking us to bring about a lot of closure — NOW! It is time for all of us to be willing to begin with a clean slate as we enter into the portal
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