How elusive is love for you? In my world as a child, I didn’t have parents who were healthy role models for a loving relationship. Actually, they were quite the opposite.
It has taken me a lifetime to unravel the distortions of my childhood. But, I have.
Because of my experiences and learning, I have love in me and around me.
For most of my life, I felt there was an extremely large emptiness in me. As I became a woman, I tried everything to fill that emptiness to no avail. No one I turned to could give me the answer either.
After years of mistakes, broken hearts, and peeling back the entire surface layers (pain, abuse, and heartache) to make room for the truth, I finally found out what was missing. I finally discovered what was to fill that void.
The Truth is… the only thing that could fill that void is me! Not the physical or personality aspect of me, however. I discovered me on a Soul level.
So is that the answer to having love? Well, only partly.
Then, I had to understand, forgive, and let go of all that was less than the True me.
Somewhere in the mist of my discovery, I found compassionate forgiveness for others and myself.
Then and only then did I begin to grasp what self-love really meant.
When you begin the self-love journey on a Soul level, your whole world changes. I know mine did. I began marveling over the beauty in all things. In that beauty, my gratitude bloomed!
When I filled myself with self-love, then and only then, did love come to me from the outside world.
I know many of you have heard, “As above, so below.” I also believe: “As inside, so outside.” Even when challenges come up, and yes, they will come up, the way you respond, instead of reacting, will lead you to living a joy-filled loving life.
My gift to you is the forgiveness prayer I used. It comes from my Akashic Records School, Akashic Records Consultants International, LLC.
Forgiveness Prayer
If there is anyone or anything that has hurt me in the past,
knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it.
If I have hurt anyone or anything in the past, knowingly or unknowingly,
I forgive and release it.
If I have hurt myself in the past, knowingly or unknowingly,
I forgive and release it.
You are to say it once a day for 32 consecutive days you may decide 3 times feels better). This is something so simple, yet it is so very powerfully strong. When you have completed your 32 days, you will experience a sense of peace!
My desire for you is to make this a time of loving YOU.
Then, you can spill that love outward into your world!
Life filled with love and echoing it outward leads to a magical life.
Happy Self-Love,
Rose Marie Swanson