How to use the Grace Point for Releasing Reactivity
A lamb is symbolic of innocence, purity, and sacrifice.
To me, it is the sacrifice of that which is no longer necessary for you to hold so that you may become innocent and pure as a new born.
Remember, a lamb becomes a sheep after its first year.
My friends, we are being asked to move back into innocence and purity and to do this by sacrificing anything less than that!
Now is the time to look within and discover what you are holding on to that is keeping you from having that life in innocence and purity and the life you are meant to have.
You may ask how?
The past can be daunting and controlling your life. Be easy with it and take it a step at a time.
Two questions to ask yourself are:
- Why am I holding such a firm grip on past hurts?
- How does the holding serve others and me?
When you ask why are you holding on, please be very truthful with yourself. Only then can you decide if it is beneficial holding on to or not.
I think you will find, as I have, it is not worth the time, energy, and heartache to hold on to the hurt.
Being willing to let it go will make room for you to stop playing the role of a victim and allowing you to start taking charge of your life. It will make the letting go of what ever it is easier.
Remember, you are doing this for you and your well-being and not for the other person.
We who work with the Akashic Records, are truly blessed with having the Grace Points and Prayers to assist us in these times of challenges.
You may ask what is grace. It is the unmerited, unearned, and unconditional love of Source.
The Grace Points are energetic points in your right hand. I would like to share with you one of the Grace Points from Akashic Records Consultants International, LLC.
This Grace Point is for releasing reactivity. It is on the tip of your little finger. A gently touch of that point combined with clarity of intention to release the reactively will bring in the Grace of the Creator through you uplifting and clearing the reactivity.
This is SO very simple yet SO very powerful.
For me, it feels as if a gentle energy wave flows through me and peace floods my body.
Remember that reactivity usually goes hand-in-hand with victim energy.
The Masters are doing everything that they can to remove this energy from the planet. By using this Grace Point, you will be assisting in helping you and the planet.
What an extraordinary gift to give yourself as well as the world!
Have an amazing month playing around with bringing in Grace to your body and realizing beauty as to what will occur for you when you do.
And if you need help, consider my assistance as your spiritual guide. Click here to schedule your free conversation as my gift to you.
Blessing to you all for this beautiful time we live in.
Much love,
Rose Marie Swanson