As I sit here sipping my cup of tea, and snuggling with Rhea, I’m watching the outside world go by and enjoying a few moments of quietude. The sun is shining brightly, and it’s a
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As I sit here sipping my cup of tea, and snuggling with Rhea, I’m watching the outside world go by and enjoying a few moments of quietude. The sun is shining brightly, and it’s a
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The Akashic Records once told me that anxiety is the belief in something false. In this context, anxiety is often viewed as a misalignment between the higher self (your true, calm essence) and the beliefs
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The holiday season, particularly around Christmas, is often charged with strong emotions. And our emotional responses to what happens at this time of year are shaped by what I would call emotional programming. In case
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It is such a beautiful day here in Charleston, and Rhea, my mischievous puppy, has been loving the cooler weather on our daily walks. We don’t get the colorful leaf changes here, but fall is
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It is such a beautiful day here – bright and sunny with a slight breeze! If I was not teaching today, I would put my focus on relieving tension, and then go to the beach,
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The Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones are stating this pointedly: Opening your heart is a must right now for those who desire to continue into greater spiritual evolution. Taking time to decide what steps to
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Tapping into Divine Comprehension for Higher Light and Love How do you receive divine surprises in your life? With gracefulness or resistance? Or do you receive them with simple flow? It is so easy and
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Spiritually, December is a month filled with changes preparing us for next year. It makes sense, then, that so many questions arise! Where did this year go to? How happy are you to see it
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It is an understatement to say we are experiencing chaotic times. How much are you allowing all of this chaotic energy to influence? I would like to share an experience of a young woman I
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I started my day wondering how has two-thirds of this 2020 year been lived and experienced so far? Has 2/3 of this year already gone by us? So much has happened and is STILL happening.
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