It is an understatement to say we are experiencing chaotic times.
How much are you allowing all of this chaotic energy to influence?
I would like to share an experience of a young woman I saw recently. Please know this is an observation not a judgement…
In the first 30 minutes she was with her Mother, and was a loving, caring daughter. No one other than her Mother mattered.
When her mother left, another woman came in where she became an intelligent, sharing professional.
An hour later another woman came in, and she became a fowled-mouthed angry person.
Who is she?
Her personality self was highly influenced by others. However, when I looked at this woman energetically, I saw a beautiful dazzling pink and magenta Light dancing with grace.
Her true Self – her Soul is a powerful loving energy.
Our personality self has many facets. Each facet can show itself depending on the influences being allowed.
The image comes to mind of a leaf being blown around by the wind.
When we live through the personality self we tend to be battered by our surroundings.
Does this describe your life?
Is this how you want your life to be lived?
Or would you prefer to live life being guided by your Soul?
Stepping into freedom can be experienced when you allow guidance to come from your Soul!
Do you want to be the leaf being blown around by the wind or do you want to be the force to create???
One of the first steps toward freedom is to know yourself. When I speak of this I am speaking of your true Self – the Soul.
It is your fears that are created from outside influences that keep you separated from your Truth. Often times one doesn’t feel worthy enough or you hold victim energy traits, which by the way is crippling!
You do not need permission from anyone but you to begin your journey to embracing who you truly are on a Soul level.
I would like to gift you with a Sacred Activation Meditation to assist you in that direction. I hope that you will find it as powerful as my group did.
Remember, I am a phone call away!
You are Love. You are Light!
Rose Marie Swanson