Your Invitation for Change During Difficult and Confusing Times
Gandhi is often given credit as saying, “If you want change, be the change”.
Please take this philosophy and apply it to your life. You will find it fits into every area.
When you do this, it places the responsibility where it belongs. On to each of us individually for what we do, for what we are in the moment and what we will become in the future.
If everyone would seriously do this, share it with others and ask that we all begin doing this there would be no more violence.
Edna Mode a short and sassy fictional character from Pixar’s “The Incredibles,” said, “I never look back, darling! It distracts from the now”. What a great concept to live by: leaving the past history in the past and living only in the now!
There would be no reason to teach children fear of others.
There would be no reason for hate, anger and pain.
Think about this as a beginning.
Find ways to detach from the craziness. Do not participate in having conversations about it.
It is easier than you think to simply say, “I don’t want to talk about that” or “I have given myself permission not to discuss that”.
You don’t have to walk away from someone. It doesn’t mean ending relationships with friends. It means respecting yourself for your beliefs and giving the other person the same respect for his/her beliefs.
Yes, this applies even when they differ from yours. Stay out of the chaos.
If we want change and truly want to become responsible for the change, then ‘focus’ is the directive energy for you! As you all know, what you focus on grows.
The question is where and what are you focusing on.
KISS—Keep it spiritually simple!!!
If it feels bad, that’s a sign to actually change your focus.
You can change your focus by doing something else. You can sing a happy song, dance, read and talk about something else. Or, as Esther Hicks says, “go take a nap”!
Please consider this all as an invitation. One to create Ease and Grace for you.
Once you have broken the flow of what feels bad, then it would be time to look at how to build what will feel good in your life.
Ask yourself, what do you want to feel and what will it take to establish it. Many aspects of your own new foundation can be built ONE STEP AT A TIME!
Nugget of gold wisdom from The Masters.
The aspect that comes up today addresses judgment and opinions that cause harm. The Masters are asking that we look at refining judgments down to the levels of opinions down to levels of lovingness.
Thinking about opinions creating harm opens up many new awarenesses.
When asked, the Akashic Records Masters replied, “An opinion is a little judgement trying to hide in plain sight”.
There is clarity that we are going into a deep dive of clearing like never before. This is actually a good sign because it tells us that we have removed a lot of the surface ‘stuff’.
The area that the Masters would like us to expand on today, or to look at today, is concerning balancing healthy boundaries without judgments or opinions that create harm. I would like to share the direct answer I received concerning how to accomplish this:
“It is a very fine line. One of the keys is to cushion everything in lovingness. That cushion takes the burden. Remember, when you no longer project onto someone what you think, what they think or feel can be shown to you.
Yes, remember when you look on the surface of a lake, you only see the reflections of the outside influences. It takes a willingness to shift and change your vision ie: it is the removing of your projection of what you think, feel or believe to be truth which allows the unfoldment of truth.
When this is done, you will then be able to see beyond the reflective surface of the lake and discover the beauty that lives below. Live by this and much will be revealed.
That is when compassion can be expanded. Yes, the scales fall away from your eyes. “
This is meant to be a decree of Lovingness.
The request is the asking of us to stop projecting onto others our own judgements and opinions. Within yourself, when you simply step back and hold space of silence in your actions, you create room for the other person to reveal themselves to you.
In this revealing, you have the potentiality of seeing through the misconceptions you were holding. This in turns allows you the opportunity to move into understanding and loving. Life can resolve into gracious sweetness.
I know this can and will facilitate change for each of you. As a group of like-minded and like-hearted humans, it is up to us to hold ourselves in divinity and live it. Imagine being a hummingbird living on the sweetness of life!
Please call and make an appointment if you feel I can assist you with refining the Divinity in your life.
Many blessings and love,
Rose Marie Swanson