Hello Dear Ones,
The Masters have repeatedly brought to my mind, “And, thus I stand” to me throughout this last week. This morning, I opened my Akashic Records and asked why. I would like to share what I received.
Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of the Akashic Records: Part of the unraveling of the old is to resolve the old way you “stand” in your life and learn to “stand” anew.
My next question was to ask, of course, for explanation and more information.
They continued: It is easier to begin your exploration of self by looking at the farthest point away from self. Then, you may step it toward yourself.
Let’s begin.
Look around you for the reflections of how humans in general stand in their lives. It is outwardly pictured as: racism, violence, corruption, hate, blame, shame, and guilt. These range from mild to outrageously strong.
Next, let’s look a bit closer at your community.
There are always going to be a wide array of people in your life. Circumstances of living makes this unavoidable.
Take a few moments and move into a centered space. Use the Grace Points and Prayers if you are an Akashic Records student. If not, use what works for you to be centered.
Observe the people in your community without attachment. Simply hold a feeling of interest and curiosity. You will find diversity. Smile and let it go.
Step closer now to observe your more intimate circle. Again, neutrally observe. No judgements or opinions are needed – just awareness.
The reason behind this exercise is to give you a greater understanding of the different possibilities and the different choices you have.
Stepping closer. Now that you have an understanding of options and the results that occur when certain stances are held, you can look within.
Upon contemplating what the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones told me, I offer the following:
Time to make your decisions.
Ask yourself, “What fits into alignment with me?” Other questions to ask yourself are:
Am I being a chameleon and fitting in wherever I am?
Or am I already clear and know what my stance is?
Is my stance anchored in “the ways of men” or in “the ways of God?”
Please, hold no judgment. We are all works in progress. This will help you in gaining greater clarity in your life, which, in turn, gives you the opportunities to change.
An element of being able to stand in alignment with your authenticity is through the levels of respect you have for yourself. As you know, your self-respect is reflected outward to others.
How you respect yourself governs how you treat yourself and how you treat others. Apply that thought to those around you, and it will reveal a lot to you. Open up to higher levels of compassion!
What a great time to use Akashic Records Prayer for Forgiveness. After that prayer, use the Prayer for Releasing Outside Influences to open space for realization of what and who you are.
I have included these two prayers below with permission from ARCI, LLC. as well as the “Affirmation of the Disciple” from Alice Bailey and The Arcane School’s website.
I am including a Sacred Activation Meditation for releasing anything that inhibits your abilities to hold high levels of self-respect.
My women’s circle found it to be very powerful. Everyone walked away from our time together with their lights shining brightly. If I can help you in anyway, please let me know.
Sacred Activation Meditations assist in clearing you of anything that maybe holding you back in your life. There will be periods of silence where I am holding space and observing the energy working. Sacred Activation Meditations continue working with you over a period of 3 – 6 weeks.
Please feel free to share this article/Sacred Activation Meditation with your friends.
Remember, I am a phone call away!
You are Love. You are Light!
Rose Marie Swanson
From Alice Bailey’s Arcane School
I am a point of light within a greater Light.
I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of Love divine.
I am a point of sacrificial Fire, focused within the fiery Will of God.
And thus I stand.
I am a way by which men may achieve.
I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.
I am a beam of light, shining upon their way.
And thus I stand.
And standing thus, revolve
And tread this way the ways of men,
And know the ways of God.
And thus I stand.
If there is anyone or anything that has hurt me in the past, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it. If I have hurt anyone or anything in the past, knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it. If I have hurt myself in the past knowingly or unknowingly, I forgive and release it.
If what I am experiencing is not mine, may God/Spirit/Source have His shield around me and I release whatever it may be to Him.