The Masters tell us to “Please remember, dear ones, to walk in this world not of it. Separate yourself from the fears that are surrounding this worldwide virus.”
Remember, it is not for us to understand the bigger picture of what is truly happening here. It is only for us to be responsible for ourselves and then move that outward to others.
I have found it very interesting how past training comes up for me surrounding all of this.
Two thoughts have been in the forefront of my mind. The first one is “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” and, the second one is “Have a single eye focus to God.”
Cleanliness not only means washing, sanitizing, and everything that goes with that. It also means cleaning out the dross that no longer serves you.
While working with my spiritual group here, the Masters told us to understand that we have accomplished a lot of clearing already. However, now they’re wanting us to go even deeper down into the depths of where the original seeds were planted for the misaims, misdirections, thoughts, and patterns which take us away from the direction we’re truly desiring to be in experiencing.
“Single Eye Focus To God” begs the question to be asked: What are you choosing to focus upon?
Where is your attention being extended to? Are you trusting you will be taken care of?
These are some of the things to seriously ponder. Be aware when you focus on fear that is what you create. Be mindful to focus on love, focus on health, focus on a sense of well-being, and focus on an expansion into the higher spiritual divinity.
All this reminds me of a time many years ago when I was working as a medical lab technician. I’m sure most of you remember the AIDS scare. Many friends and acquaintances were very convinced that I needed to quit my job because it was dangerous. Their fear was I would be exposed to AIDS and contract the disease.
Everybody was in an absolute panic. My mindset then was that if I’m meant to die, I’m going to die, and it doesn’t matter whether I continue to work or not.
Now, understand this statement doesn’t mean to be careless. I followed the safety protocols while working, and we handled quite a few AIDS serums and did testing on them. The point here is: it would be very good for each of us to really look within and discover a mindset that we’re comfortable with and can believe in for ourselves to create safety and protection for ourselves and our families.
A question you may have is, “How can I shift out of the fear into a more positive mindset?” It actually is a lot simpler than you would think.
Fill yourself with Grace.
Not sure what Grace really is? It is the unconditional Love of God. Simply go in a meditative or prayerful state of mind and call forth Grace asking it to fill you and take care of you.
For those of you who have taken the Akashic Record classes please, please, please use your Grace Points.
Practice acts of compassion for yourself as well as for others. it’s very important to remember we are each truly doing the very best that we can.
In order to accomplish all of this, simply move into your loving divine heart. The more you are able to stay in your loving the more loving your life will truly become.
This world change is about moving into FREEDOM!!!
I hope this has been of service to each of you. If there is anything else, I can help you with please call me.
Much Love and Living Light,
Rose Marie Swanson