I hope everyone got to enjoy some wonderful family time during our day of thanks.
I felt as if I was wrapped in gentle love, even though there was a lot of disturbing energy around me.
Stories of politics, shootings, and more can certainly throw one’s emotions off-center (if I allowed these things to influence me, that is).
So, how do you find emotional balance and avoid allowing outside influences to affect you?
Well, fortunately, there are many methods, and some of these strategies are actually quite simple.
Below, I’ve detailed three methods I like to use when I’m trying to find emotional balance and stop outside influences from affecting me. So, if you’re wondering how to do this yourself, you should definitely keep reading.
1) Don’t Participate in Negative Conversations
My family and friends know that there are certain topics I am just not willing to discuss.
If anyone insists, I’ll either give them a gentle reminder or simply choose not to reply and go into a passive-listening mode, while sending them as much love and compassion as I can.
If they persist in wanting an answer from me, my response is typically benign, which usually ends the conversation for the other person, and as a result, they’ll probably be hesitant to begin a conversation like that with me in the future.
2) Remind Others of Their True Nature
I believe it was Oprah Winfrey who once said, “Become the change you want to see – those are words I live by.”
And with those words in mind, I want you to remember that it is not your responsibility to change another person.
That being said, I was able to turn around a lengthy conversation about politics by bringing up a quote from Mahavira, which states that “Anger begets more anger, and forgiveness and love lead to more forgiveness and love.”
This quote acted as a gentle reminder to the person I was speaking with that we are to focus on what is our own responsibility and how we want to reflect that out into the world.
At any rate, this incident proved once again that love is a powerful game-changer.
By simply talking about love and forgiveness, I changed not only the energy of the conversation, but also the person’s energy, and their perspective, all of which became brighter and lighter. It was truly beautiful to experience!
3) Share the Divine Love Within You
Tapping into and living from a place of love and light of your own truth can change the world.
But in order to do this, you have to begin with moments of awareness of the divine love within you, and then let that experience grow.
This happens by focusing on your experience of divine love and holding that focus longer and longer each time.
Through this exercise, you can begin to create a new way of being, waking up all the cells in your body, rejuvenating them, healing yourself, and then moving that energy out into the world.
So, as my gift of service to you, in this article, I am including a recording of a Krystic Energy System wholing session.
The intention of this session is to awaken your conscious mind to the light within you.
Please be sure to listen to it when you have undisturbed time and can open yourself up to receive. And afterward, make sure to drink plenty of water and do something special to take care of yourself.
The energy from this session will continue to work with you over time, but if you want to relisten to it, please wait 72 hours. This will give your system optimal time to adjust.
I love this work and have found it to be very powerful, and I hope you do, too.
Whatever the case, please enjoy this session and love yourself as you awaken to deeper levels of your own divinity.
And whatever it is you’re dealing with in your life, if I can assist you in any way, please reach out to me.
Love to all,
Rose Marie Swanson