Question to the Master, Teachers and Loved Ones:
Is there something specific I am to know today – that is important for me?
Answer: Yes, my Love, treat this day as a new sparkling beginning.
Be open to infinite possibilities to stream forth into your life today!
While this is being given thoughts of bills, taxes, holiday expenses came floating in!
Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones responded: Your bills are paid – move forward.
Look at what you are Wasting your time and energy on. There is to be a greater understanding of the weight of what you are holding and the narrowing of your flow that YOU create for yourself.
Does it make logical sense for you to be continuously placing burdens (weightiness) in you own stream of energy? It equates to placing boulders in a stream. Sooner or later you dam the flow up – creating flooding on one side of the dam and draught on the others side.
You create conditions were nothing can flourish.
Weigh each though you have, placing value of importance. Then decide if the thought is to continue gathering weightiness from your focus or simply stop the focus.
Look for that which is good in all things – no mater how small that might be.
Look for the wisdom in all things – allow the lightness of this habit to open the flow of goodness into your life.
Allow your thoughts to become as light as a feather – soar with the eagles.
Ask to see through the eyes of the eagle – seeing the whole picture and not just a small piece – allow ‘that’ to gift you with greater understanding. Dropping judgments and harm – Flying even higher – into the Grace and Love of the Divine.
Take a few minutes and feel into the energy of the message. It holds infinite possibilities for YOU!!!
I have found practicing guided meditations is a powerful way to eliminate harmful beliefs and if you’re one of those people who feel “stuck” then my brand new meditation bundle called, “Knowing and Expanding Yourself” was created specifically for you!
Love to you all
Rose Marie