Clearing Life’s Random Overlays with this Sacred Activation Meditation
As I walked around my house with cup of tea in hand gathering my notebook and pen to sit down and write, I looked out my kitchen window at the hard downpour of rain.
My backyard was starting to flood, and a thought went through my mind, “April showers bring forth May flowers.”
Wasn’t that an interesting thought to have?
Then all these other sayings about hard rain came to mind,” Forty days and forty nights of rain,” “It’s raining frogs and toads, “Don’t rain on my parade,” and “Walking in the rain.”
The ideas came spilling forth – pun intended!
As I reminisce about all of these thoughts, I wondered where did they come from? Then, I had to laugh. Some of them I could trace back to parents while others I had no idea.
Interesting at how quickly the sayings flowed through me. Some of the sayings were funny; some of the sayings not so funny.
Through the Akashic Records I was asked to experience how each one influenced me and or represent the truth for me.
My answer was quick. “That depends.”
You may ask on what? Well, let’s see. It depends on:
How I am physically feeling
How I am emotionally feeling
What issues I have running in the moment of the thought
What thoughts I was thinking beforehand
Who I am talking with
And, I probably could go on. No wonder life can seem so complicated. We place so many random overlays onto our life.
Have you ever thought about how complicated you make your life by “stuff” that you are running that isn’t really yours or the truth for you?
An example might be reading a text and getting upset by it. Then, reading the same text the next day and getting a different meaning from it. This is all because yesterday you didn’t feel well or something else was going on that complicated the meaning of the text.
Sooooooo, my gift to you is the following recording of a Sacred Activation clearing overlays. I know you will find it very useful!
I would love to hear from you about your results.
Know, if there is anything specific you would like cleared, I am just a phone call away.
Love to you,
Rose Marie Swanson