Many of my clients have asked me as a spiritual coach and mentor, what do I do regarding Christmas and gift giving. So, I thought I would share with you.
First of all, I don’t wait until it is the season to shop. For me, I am always, and I do mean always, open to receive inspirations on what gift to buy.
I love to shop when I travel so I hold the person in my mind that I am looking for while asking what would he or she like. The ‘just right’ gift always pops up and catches my attention.
The next fun part for me is in the wrapping of the gift, too!
I think about how much joy will be felt as the person opens the gift. I ask for a special blessing of love, happiness, or whatever the Creator knows is necessary for the person to receive by it be imbued into the gift.
Once the bow is on and the name tag is secured, I place a kiss of unconditional love on the package.
Does this sound silly to you? You would be surprised at the power of Love! The person that is receiving feels the Love! What better gift to give than Love?
Key focus is:
Choose to do only that which will bring joy and love to you and then flow it out to others.
This what matters most – not the gift.
Do you have a special spiritual practice for gift giving that you would like to share? Please leave a comment below!
See you next year,
Love to all!