‘Tis the season – Thanksgiving is a time of family gatherings, eating, and thinking of the past. It is a time of giving thanks. We each do this in our very own way.
The Akashic Record Master has an offering of how to focus your thankfulness.
Take five minutes every morning and write down everything you can think of that you are thankful about you. It doesn’t have to be grandiose things.
Remember, often times it is the ‘little things’ that are really the biggest!
Do this for the holiday season. This allows your conscious mind to begin to see the truth of you. You will begin to recognize you!
You may even find you have a little clearing to do so you can be in full acceptance of yourself. You will find your inner beauty will shine brighter with this new focus. (Remember, energy follows thoughts.)
You can then begin spilling over your “newness” and reflecting it out to others.
As you form the habit of focusing on finding the good within yourself and giving thanks for it, you can begin to do the same focus for everyone you know.
Wouldn’t that be an awesome habit to develop?!?!
You will find benefits to this habit are multi-leveled. To name just a few:
- You will become healthier in all aspects of your being
- Others will begin to see the difference in you
- Others will feel the difference in their connection to you.
People treat you how you teach them to treat you.
You teach them how to treat you by how you treat yourself.
Have a holiday filled with Love and be inspired to create this new habit of thankfulness for yourself.
What can you list below that you are thankful for?
Please share this with others!