There’s no doubt about it – spring is here, along with all the pollen, and Rhea and I are just loving the warm weather for our walks.
My fur baby provides me with so much joy and love, and at this point, she is just too cute for words.
As you can see, fortunately, she’s finally learned to be quiet during my meditation time, which is quite a relief, as that was starting to become very difficult to deal with.
In any case, I’ve noticed a huge difference in the energies of this year.
Can you feel it?
The eclipse in April created a monumental energetic change on so many levels.
A few friends and I were together during the eclipse, and we experienced a beautiful flow of golden eclipse energies coming into the planet and to each one of us.
It was truly stunning to experience being imbued with these new energies.
An afterglow remained with us for days, but then, it began to shift, and this shift was different for each person.
For me, it felt as if there was some sort of deepening of that eclipse energy, and I was excited to see how it would manifest in my life.
That being said, if you’re looking to make the most of these energies, or you’re just curious about what this all means, then I hope you take the time to keep reading.
Because in this article, I’m going to explain how you can make the most of these eclipse energies, and how that can help to enhance your spiritual progress.
How to Make the Most of These Eclipse Energies
This may sound incredibly esoteric, but the truth is, if you want to receive the energies from the eclipse you simply have to be willing and open to receive them.
However, I have heard from many of my clients that they experienced a feeling of loss as a result of these eclipse energies.
In many of these instances, the energy they had received had either gone away or they had kicked it out and not accepted it, and now they want it back.
But there’s good news! That eclipse energy is still there waiting for anyone who wants to receive it.
If this sounds like something you’re dealing with, this month’s guided meditation, which you’ll find below, will assist you in incorporating the eclipse’s energies.
It’s also important for me to mention that I’m now working on a quantum level, which allows me to move through time and space.
This means I can work today on something that happened days, weeks, months, years, or even lifetimes ago.
I have done this with many past clients and have seen positive and wonderful results.
The name of this process is Waters to Illumination.
It involves investigating and identifying fears, blocks, and/or dense energies that can create disruptions or interfere with your personal and spiritual progress.
After this investigative stage, I am then able – through the quantum realms – to remove or dissolve these fears, blocks, or dense energies.
All things considered, I have found this modality to be incredibly profound, both for myself and my clients.
As always, my purpose in life is to assist you, and with that in mind, I have gifted you the following recording, which is of one of my Waters to Illumination sessions.
It will assist you in removing whatever blocks, fears, energies, or resistances you hold that have kept you from bringing in and utilizing the new golden energies of the eclipse.
My group of women here loved it, as it helped them to anchor the eclipse energies they received in a way that they were not able to before, and this opened the doors to all the benefits of utilizing these new energies in their lives.
Blessings to each of you as we all move forward into the higher Renaissance age, and if you’d like a personalized session, please contact me, or call me directly at (843) 991-0831.
Love always,
Rose Marie Swanson