As I sit here on such a bright, beautiful, sunshiny day, my thoughts drift back to the changes I have seen throughout my life.
I can remember the first black and white TV, bulky cell phones, primitive computer games, programmable lights, and smart houses. All things considered, I am certainly living in a wondrous time.
But what will the future of technology bring?
Machines that can infuse water with all the right nutrients so farmers can increase their yields? A way to create water that contains all of the most beneficial minerals and makes people healthier? How about cars that run on water instead of gas, or cars that fly?
It really is breathtaking to think about the endless possibilities!
But now that we’ve pondered the possibilities of the world outside of ourselves, let’s take a moment to look inward and consider our potential for spiritual advancement.
Personally, my journey has been one of great spiritual advancement and many spiritual upgrades.
That being said, I had a dream the other night that shook me quite a bit and, interestingly enough, it ties right in with this topic.
I woke up from the dream in a pool of sweat (and no, it’s not because of menopause), and it took the entire day before I realized its meaning.
I don’t remember all the details, but what I do remember is that the dream was like living snapshots of moments in a woman’s life, spanning from a young age to a much older age.
Her life was tragic! All I saw was scene after scene of hardships, failures, and traumas, but I didn’t understand why I was being shown this dream. And it wasn’t until much later in the day that I finally received my answer.
It turns out, I was being shown what my life could have been like had I not made the spiritual choices that I have.
Needless to say, this allowed me to enjoy a deep sense of gratitude for all those choices, and it made me feel great about my life as it is now!
At the same time, it also left me in awe of the truly limitless possibilities for my life, and the lives of all those around me.
With that in mind, I wanted to let you know that this month, a new portal will be opening – one that will bring extremely high-frequency energies with it. These energies have the potential to help you create spiritual changes in your life, and not unlike technology’s potential, the possibilities of these changes are literally endless.
Are you ready for them? Are you ready to have your life uplifted? If so, allow me to assist you.
Enclosed you will find my gift to each of you – a guided meditation that I channeled for a group of like-minded female friends. This meditation’s purpose is to help prepare you to be open and receptive to receiving these new frequencies.
If you’re in need of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Love to all,
Rose Marie Swanson