I am sitting here in tremendous gratitude today, as I recently had a health scare that entailed a brief hospital stay.
Thankfully, it wasn’t too severe, and I am now back at home and on the road to recovery.
With that in mind, whenever anything like this happens, it always brings an awareness of how precious life truly is.
There were so many questions that went through my mind during the initial trauma:
Am I dying? Do I want to live or die? Why do I want to live? If I live, how will this change my life? Have I completed everything that I want to do in this life?
Sadly, I think for most people, the answer to that last question would be no, and when you’re trying to come to terms with the idea of possibly dying, that’s a pretty terrifying pill to swallow.
At any rate, this whole ordeal gave me great clarity regarding the things I felt I had done to the best of my ability in this life. And as these questions rambled through my mind, I had a deep sense of satisfaction with the way my life has turned out. Then, I turned a corner, and I knew I would live.
In any case, during the last five weeks, I’ve been focused on recovery and allowing myself to be cared for by others.
Slowly, but surely now, I am moving through that stage and starting to be able to take care of myself once again.
All things considered, this has been a mostly positive event, not least because I’ve experienced a resetting of my body and my life.
So, what now?
Well, for one thing, I now have clarity on the changes I need to make in my daily life to become healthier and stronger, and I will begin to put those things into place as I become more robust.
My focus has also expanded since my hospitalization. I am excited about the new things I have set in motion and the things I’m preparing to learn that will assist me in helping others even more than I could before.
Mainly, I’m focusing on awakening my own truth and attaining greater levels of spiritual growth.
With that in mind, I want to go beyond my own story and explain how you can move further down the path of spiritual growth.
So, if you’re wondering how to evolve spiritually, or just want to learn more about spiritual evolution in general, then I hope you’ll keep reading.
Because I’m about to provide some simple strategies that you can use to deal with difficulties in your life, fuel your own spiritual growth, and attain a higher level of enlightenment.
How You Can Move Further Down the Path of Spiritual Growth
With spiritual evolution in mind, I want to start by sharing something with you that I read just last week from Aurelia Louise Jones’ The Seven Sacred Flames. This passage can be found in the section from Serapis Bey.
“Many of you will face temporary challenges from time to time, but if you face them with surrender, devotion, joy, enthusiasm, and the attitude of gratitude for the exceptional opportunity offered to you at this time, be assured that the rest of your path does not have to be difficult. It all has to do with the perceptions and reactions you feel regarding what presents itself in your life as an opportunity to align past karma and integrate the lessons you need to learn in order to become an Ascended Master.”
How do you handle the difficulties in your life?
Do you become reactive and take things personally? Or do you take things in stride and wait to see how events will unfold?
I know it’s easy to be reactive to every little inconvenience that comes your way, but the truth is, this kind of behavior will only pull you backward and create difficulties that can be never-ending.
What do I mean by that? Well, at the end of the day, reactivity equals victimhood, and this frame of mind will keep you in a constant cycle of difficulty.
That being said, the only real way out of this is to resolve your wounds, which often form as a result of trauma from events in your past. Letting these wounds go and healing them will assist you in growing spiritually and bring peace into your life.
At this point, you might be wondering how you can let go of these past traumas and heal the wounds they’ve created.
Ultimately, there is a choice you have to make about whether you want to stay stuck in that cycle of difficulty or bring happiness into your life by ending it once and for all.
I know it may sound overwhelming, but truth be told, there’s a lot you can do to heal. But whatever you do, you’ve got to delve into your wounds and somehow resolve them.
Here are some things I would recommend that can help you to do that:
- Work with Saint Germain – This Ascended Master can help you to transmute negative energy into higher frequencies.
- Work with Archangel Michael, who can help you cut cords with things that no longer serve you.
- Do whatever you can to move into a state of forgiveness for yourself and others.
- Listen to The Violet Flame by Joel Andrews.
- Ask for assistance from the Angels.
- Listen to my guided meditations.
- Work with me.
And if you’re having trouble trying to forgive yourself and others, you should read my article on Unburdening the Soul: Learning to Forgive Yourself and Come From a Place of Love.
But no matter what difficulties you’re having or what method you choose, delving into your wounds and healing them will allow you to experience greater peace in your life, and significantly reduce stress, while letting go of triggers, resolving your woundedness, and coming to terms with the offenses of others.
Regardless of who you are or how you’ve suffered, going through this process will expand and enhance your life, and letting go of your wounds in this way will help you enter the Golden Age.
Now is the time in the Earth’s development when you can create the changes in your life that will allow for the expansion you need in order to grow spiritually.
With that in mind, I have gifted you a guided meditation that will assist you in this process of spiritual growth, especially as it relates to letting go of triggers.
And if there’s anything I can do to help you personally, please reach out.
Much love to all,
Rose Marie Swanson