Life is very peaceful for me right now, and as I write this, I am surrounded by beauty, silence, and sunshine.
How do you surround yourself?
Whatever you choose to surround yourself with, it’s all too common for people to allow themselves to be bombarded by others and their needs.
Unfortunately, those who are not advanced in their spirituality or maturity tend to only think of themselves, and they fail to realize that there is always more than one side to a story.
Oftentimes, they like to make judgments about people without even trying to find out if what they think is actually true.
For example, someone you trust, such as your mom, could tell someone something about you, and then that person will turn it around and try to use it against you.
Other times, these kinds of people have not developed the ability to allow others to be who they are without feeling like the situation has wounded them.
An example of this kind of behavior might involve you handling a tense situation with a friend as calmly as you can, but then they call you later on and start projecting their needs onto you by telling you how they think you should behave towards them from now on.
Can we see through these illusions and discern what’s really happening here?
If you have as much experience with these kinds of behavior as I do, it becomes obvious what these people are doing.
Sadly, these kinds of people feel the need to either distract from what they’re doing by making judgments about other people, or project their problems onto others to deflect blame and make themselves feel better by ensuring they’re not seen as the only one at fault.
How would you choose to handle these kinds of situations?
Whatever you choose to do, the webs we all weave as we live in the human body can indeed be so very convoluted, hurtful, and deceiving. And when we do this, it is detrimental to both ourselves and others.
Moving Beyond Woundedness and Learning to Forgive Yourself
When we come from a place of woundedness, we can only continue with that woundedness.
These victim energies are quite prevalent on Earth right now, as everyone’s “stuff” is bubbling up to the surface to be cleared.
With that in mind, it’s important to remember that how you handle this sort of thing, and the effect your behavior will have on you, and the people around you, is totally up to you.
But no matter what it is you’re dealing with, forgiveness is key.
Always start by forgiving yourself. Because when self-forgiveness is in the works first, the rest will begin to unweave itself. And as you start learning to forgive yourself, and move firmly into forgiveness, you will begin to let go of judgments.
For most of us, releasing our need to be right and make other people wrong is long overdue. But as you do this, you will be able to see what is behind other people’s behavior in such a way that there will be no harm to you, regardless of what other people are doing.
Think about the freedom that will give you!
Now, before I continue, I want to draw attention to two key points that most people on this Earth need to be reminded of today.
1) The more you forgive yourself, the more the Universe will unravel the entanglements in your life.
2) Once you’ve finished learning to forgive yourself, you will then be able to see the entanglements for what they really are and recognize them as part of everyone’s issues on Earth surfacing for release.
Ask yourself, “What level of reality do I wish to live life through? Am I living through the woundedness of my life? And am I in a place of clarity to choose differently?”
Whatever answers you find, the truth is, you can choose to live as a victim, or choose to uplift yourself and start living life through your own higher wisdom. The choice is yours to make.
Come From a Place of Love by Embracing the Divinity of Your Heart
Believe it or not, you can choose to stop living your life through judgments, deflection, projection, and the dishonoring of others. You can choose your heart and all of the divinity that resides there.
Living life through your spiritual being, otherwise known as the soul, will open you up to a freer, brighter, and more loving life – a life where you can learn to open up your own gifts and begin to use them. And you can do this by listening to the divine wisdom of your heart.
Yes, I understand this is an unusual way of doing things, but have you ever stopped and really asked your heart what it thinks about something? Have you ever stopped to ponder what you want to say from your heart?
Remember, by asking your heart questions, you are asking and listening from that higher level of your being, and not the lower ego. And the more you practice this method, the easier it will become for you.
If you’ve made it this far, please take a few minutes to think about how asking your heart what it thinks can change your life.
This really is a remarkably beautiful thing, because when someone comes at you with negativity, you can simply see through their pain and return love to them instead of anger.
There will no longer be space within you for that old woundedness and pain. There will only be light and love. And I assure you, this new way of being will truly heal you and change your life.
I’m including a guided meditation to assist you on this journey toward being in your heart and learning how to come from a place of love all the time.
And if there is anything I can assist you with, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I am here for you all.
Love and Living Light,
Rose Marie Swanson