I know you might be tired of hearing this, but if you want to reject the negative and embrace the positive, an attitude adjustment is always an essential first step.
After that change of perspective, you can decide what it is you want to have and feel in your life.
Then you can look for those positive things in your life to focus on that bring about your own feelings of success. The more you think about it the more you will be able to amplify those feelings, which then removes the space for the less desirable emotions.
At this point, you can basically move those negative feelings out to the curb for trash pickup. It can be equated to cleaning your house – a very essential first step, indeed!
The next step is to look for the people, places, and things that create distractions from those good feelings. Make a list of them. Then, prioritize them from easiest to hardest in terms of how difficult it’ll be to clean them out of your life.
But try not to put too much pressure on yourself about acting on what you’ve included on your list. Go easy on yourself, be patient, avoid being too judgmental, and just have some fun with it.
Try to be an objective observer of your life as you “clean” it.
Are there any actions or behavioral patterns that can be removed from your life? Are there any toxic relationships to be eliminated? Are there any books, magazines, TV shows, posters, or other negative things that can be literally or figuratively taken to the curb for trash pickup?
Whatever you do, be consistent with the items you remove, and once they’re gone, please don’t bring them back.
In some situations, you may find an item on your list that’s difficult to handle. For example, there may be people on your list whom you don’t think you can clear out of your life, such as family members.
There are several different ways you can handle these situations. One would be to limit the time you spend with these people.
But no matter what you choose to do, an important part of this process is to take time to examine why it feels so difficult to do these things.
In any case, take responsibility for your part in it and do the work to clean and/or heal from these challenges. If it feels too overwhelming, remember, I can help you with this!
As you begin opening space and time in your life, try to fill it only with what brings you joy and happiness.
This brings us to the last step, which is to bring in anything and everything that serves you for your highest good and creates those feelings you desire.
Look around this incredible world for those people, places, or things that will fit perfectly in your life. What do you want to include in your life? What would make your life lighter? Easier? More magnificent?
Now that you’ve cleaned your life and created space, you can choose to fill it with only that which brings you joy and happiness.
All of this may take time, but you are worth taking that time! Your self-value, self-worth, and self-love will increase greatly with each change you make.
Isn’t being filled with happiness and joy enough to motivate you? I think it is.
Luckily for you, to assist you on your path of creating a new way of loving and living your life, today I am gifting you with the following meditation. Please enjoy it, allow yourself to receive a deep clearing, and feel free to listen to this recording as often as you wish.
Remember, I am here for you and would love to work with you in creating your desired life.
Whatever it is that’s troubling you, or wherever you want to go in life, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I would love to hear from you and be your guide down that gilded path!
Many Blessings,
Rose Marie Swanson