The Masters wanted me to continue with the flow of our last meditation. It seems there will be a short series of meditations on creating your Rainbow Bridge to Divinity.
This level will be Clearing the Ancient Past. Not the past of this lifetime, but that which goes back even further. Not only to other lifetimes on this planet but other planets as well.
The Masters are wanting us to clear the core causal causes of our separation from Source and to reestablish our Rainbow Bridges. This is quite exciting! We are being gifted this because we have already done the spiritual work to be at this point of reestablishing our Rainbow Bridges.
To hold the levels of light that are needed for the Rainbow Bridge, one must make room for it to come into your body and begin to root and anchor into a greater level of permanency. This can be done in many ways.
Stopping the negativity in your life, whether from or to you, would open you to greater light. This means removing or at the very least limiting all negative thoughts, beliefs, reactions, and negative people from your environment.
It is time to stop watching or listening to the negatively charged videos, news, etc. Eat a healthier diet, exercise, meditation, and treat your body as the temple it really is!
Surround yourself with positive people and things in your life. As you begin to make all of this a daily habit it will automatically anchor into you.
One aspect of preparation for creating the Rainbow Bridge connection is clearing the past.
The Masters are asking us to shift out of this reality in order to connect with the casual causes of the wounds, distortions, and misaims that create blocks to building our Rainbow Bridges. When the Masters speak concerning ‘shifting out of this reality’ they mean energetically letting go of your attachments to this 3D reality.
It truly is easier than you might think!
Simply allow the energies of the meditation to shift you. It creates no harm to you and will allow you to open to higher realities and energies. The past can be cleared. This will open you up to greater light, wisdom, and love.
You may listen to this meditation every few days or once a week until you feel complete for the moment. Remember there are often many layers to be cleared.
I would love to hear from you about the outcome you experience from doing this meditation. And, if there is anything I can do to assist you in your spiritual journey please reach out to me.
Many Blessings,
Rose Marie Swanson