It is such a beautiful morning. The sun is bright, and the sky is blue with white fluffy clouds. My world is shining. I am enjoying my morning cup of coffee with my lovely dog by my side. All is right with my world.
Then, I remember – oh yeah, I have a dentist appointment today. And, with that remembrance, my ego created a reaction consisting of pain and financial lost. My next thought was – reaction equals victim and I don’t want to establish that energy.
So, I chose differently.
I asked for Grace and ease.
Then, I asked, “Is pain and financial loss truth?” My little ego had to admit the answer was no. For goodness’s sake, I was only getting my teeth cleaned!
Isn’t it interesting how one simple word, dentist, created such a strong moment of not feeling good?
What else? How many other words does our ego personality attach negative responses to?
This all happened as I sat alone in the comfort of my home. What happens when other people are around me? There is an intermingling of each other’s energies which takes place without an awareness on anyone’s part.
You know of the situations how it really feels great to be around some people while others not so much.
That, often times, is based on the energy frequency each of us hold.
Hmmmmmm…makes me think of a saying, “Oil and water don’t mix.” This is true for humans as well. When two people are together, there can possibly be a blending or mixing of each other’s energies.
If you are empathic, sensitive to others, this happens a larger scale.
Most of the time, we move through our lives completely unaware of how our “beingness” could be affected by those we come in contact with. We are also unaware of the immediate effect others have on us.
It’s All About Awareness!!
The Akashic Records have often shared that awareness is one of the keys to spiritual growth.
The process is very simple. And as a friend once told me, “If it is that simple it is the truth”. When you find yourself having a negative thought, stop and take a breath and become aware! Ask the question, “Is this really true?” By doing this the negativity will drop away.
Allow your awareness to acknowledge the increase in your frequency. Doesn’t that feel great!!
Right now, during such extreme life changes, it would be beneficial to continually clear ourselves of anything less than our own sweet vibrational frequencies and focus on bringing in higher frequencies.
I’ve been told this is a means to stepping into greater freedom.
I am gifting you a clearing meditation to assist you in stepping into your freedom.
Using this clearing recording will not only assist you personally it will also give you the opportunity to be of service to humanity.
As you clear yourself, you will be able to become centered and loving. In turn you will be able to spill this love out into the world.
In other words, you in your own uniqueness, will be helping to bring in the Golden Age.
You may listen to this recording as you wish. Each time you listen it will layer over and strengthen the depth of the work. The Masters will continue working with you at night for 3 – 6 weeks.
You are blessed and loved! Till next time, if there is anything, I might assist you with personally please reach out to me.
Love and Living Light Always,
Rose Marie Swanson