In my previous article, I shared a meditation on making decisions on, “Thus I stand.” Let’s go a little deeper on this in today’s piece.
Choosing your “Thus I Stand” begins with all of the little decisions in every moment of every day from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep.
Being aware of these little decisions…being aware that you are making the little decisions…being cognizant of your thinking…that makes the bigger decisions easier to create when you take your day a little at a time and then build on it. Each small decision adds on to the foundation of the big decisions.
Looking at it as a series of little decisions building toward a larger one certainly helps with any sense of overwhelm-ment. Another way to dispel overwhelm-ment is to ask for help.
How awesome would it be to have your Divinity supporting you daily in your little decisions?
As we all are moving into creating balance and harmony, who better to call on than the Divine Mother? In the United States, her name is Mother Mary.
In the Far East, her name is Quan Qin. Some of her gifts are an unconditionally loving mother’s nurturing, forgiveness and compassion. She always watches over her children (yes, you are one of her children!) with great love.
We are living with so much craziness right now. Can you even begin to imagine what the world would be like if everyone held compassion for each other?
Pause right now and actively see a world completely filled with compassion.
It is a possibility! Doing this simple act can potentially bring forth this wonderful world experience.
It is a great time to model ourselves Divinely – meaning to begin to understand and accept that we are Divine, that we can live through this perspective and fully integrating it as our life in every moment of every day.
We do this by making little decisions to hold compassion in every situation which leads to the big moment of being a compassionate human being.
Take time in meditation and ask to be guided and influenced by the Divine Mother. It doesn’t matter what name you call her. What matters is your decision, in every moment, to reflect upon compassion and love to all.
My gift to you is a Sacred Activation Meditation assisting you to incorporate the Divine Mother’s influence and for her guidance to be available for you.
Ask that all that you think with your mind and all that you feel with your heart become equal to the Divine Mother’s mind and heart of compassion.
You will certainly send your life upward into the Light with Grace. If you need extra assistance, I am here for you. Reach out and let’s talk.
Love to you,
Rose Marie Swanson