December is the time to begin the gift-giving season, but I am holding this in my heart this year differently. I am beginning the season by gifting people and things that are non-beneficial in my life their freedom.
I know that this might sound harsh, but it truly is not – not for them or for me. I am doing this with grace, forgiveness for them and myself, and unconditional love. I am untying the ties that bind me while healing and sealing the wounds (if there are any). I allow myself the grieving process. Then, I bring that into completion as well. This can all be done physically or energetically.
Performing this gifting brings closure to the past, which, in turn, opens many doors to more beneficial energies to come into one’s life. Releasing non-beneficial people or things allows for newness to come into one’s life. It also allows you to create differently in this very moment from a place of freedom.
No one is saying next year will be easier than this year. However, if you do the releasing now, it will be brighter and full of joy and love for those who are willing to step further into the Golden Age. When I say Golden Age, it means to step into a place of greater vibrational frequencies. It means to step into a place of expansion of freedom, joy, love, and heightened abilities opening up for you.
Be excited and be in anticipation of excitement as to what might come to you next year. Be in that childlike awe of wonderment!
With this process of bringing completion in one’s life, I am including a wonderful meditation to assist you. Again, this is part of the process of stepping you towards building your bridge to your rainbow light body!
Much love to all of you during this blessed time of year!
Happy Holidays,
Rose Marie Swanson